3rd Opinion on
prostate Cancer

This book is based on authors research and experiences. It has not been read or evaluated by a medical profession and should not be relied upon for medical advice replacing your physician’s diagnosis.

Before accepting any treatments suggested in this book, consult with your internal Doctor and use your own judgment.

This book is written to empower and encourage you to take the next step in searching for the real truth as to whether you really have a prostate cancer or not, despite the fact that you have received two sets of opinions from two different doctors, and two pathologists, confirming that you, indeed, do have prostate cancer. This book provides the information you need to understand what the doctors and specialists are telling you as you seek a concrete diagnoses.

As you read this book, you will find that the medical professionals can and will make a variety of undisclosed mistakes. What happened to me after being diagnosed with a prostate cancer with the Gleason score of 8 (with 10 being the worst case) will prepare you for what lies ahead?

The negligent failure to correctly diagnose prostate cancer by urologists, who rely on pathology reports, is an appalling error that must stop. Hospitals and urologists must take responsibilities for their negligence and disclose their mistakes that may cause a lifetime suffering to their patients. When these sorts of mistakes are made, it is not the patient’s fault in selecting an inadequate urologist, but it is certainly the urologist’s fault in selecting inadequate pathologists and laboratories that produce faulty interpretations of the biopsy results in the first place.

I certainly hope that this book will inspire the American Medical Association to require urologists to pass the same tests required of pathologists to be able to interpret the biopsy results. In order to provide an accurate diagnosis, an urologist not only needs to consider the symptoms reported by patient, but be able to review and analyze the patient’s biopsy report. Just knowing the symptoms is not sufficient in order to render an appropriate diagnosis. One must include all of the information available which includes, but is not limited to, reading biopsy reports.

Humans, just like cars, can be recalled. You may laugh, but it is true. If you had a surgery to remove your prostate just to find out several months later that you did not have cancer, how would you feel? If you were recalled, just like thousands of other patients, because an unnecessary surgery was conducted, you would definitely be a part of a class lawsuit action against this kind of practice. There is no difference between this and amputating your right leg instead of your left leg by mistake.

A variety of aspects in misdiagnosing prostate cancer will be under the microscope in this book. You will be given the facts to assess your realistic options including minimally invasive surgery and gene therapy. The knowledge that you will receive, combined with your faith and common sense, will determine your ultimate option and final outcome.

Throughout this book I will reiterate on purpose few highly important points as they are crucial for some readers to retain.

Currently urologists rely on the pathologists to read the biopsy slides and often are unable or unwilling to double check the readings they’ve received from the pathologists after they receive their report from the laboratory of their choice. Gruesome consequences of such process is that if a pathologist in that laboratory makes a mistake interpreting your biopsy slides, you will be sent to an unnecessary surgery; a surgery that will produce income for both the sergeant and the hospital, but could be potentially fatal for you.

If you trust your physician one hundred percent and unwilling to obtain a second, let alone a third opinion, in a diagnosis of your prostate cancer, this book is not for you.

How well do you know yourself when it comes to catastrophic news? What would you do if your urologist told you, that you have prostate cancer? Would you downright trust his judgment?

Just because an opinion comes from a professional, it doesn’t mean that the opinion is accurate and trustworthy. There will always be a risk when putting your health into another person’s hands, but that risk can be minimized by your common sense, experience and willingness to learn about your new condition without blindly trusting into what you were told by a medical professional. Professionals are here to give you their opinion, but the ultimate decision is yours not theirs. Would you let your attorney or your accountant make your business decisions? Would you let your medical professional make a life threatening (or saving) decision for you? It is something to contemplate.

To be successful in business and personal life it is helpful to have a set of principals and stick to them in any circumstances. For example, let’s take a principle of not accepting a first offer or bid. This is most important when reviewing medical advice from all sources. Would you agree? When remodeling a house or repairing your car, do you accept the first bid? Or do you seek competitive bids? How many bids will you seek prior to a final decision? One… Two… Three?

By the same token, would you not do the same when it comes to opinions from medical doctors and pathologists? This is your life, how much is it worth to you? These are questions necessary for considering medical treatment. Is your life’s value worth equal to a car’s, or a home’s? Ultimately, it is your decision, and your decision would be best served based upon all available information.

Prostate cancer is a serious matter, especially when your doctor shocks you with a diagnosis of rapidly growing prostate cancer. While reading this book you can kick back, laugh and lean at the same time, while keeping in mind that this is a very serious subject and your knowledge can change the outcome in your life.

This book is intended to trigger your questioning, researching and learning which should lead you to the right path. Since most of the research is included here, all you need to do is to follow through.

Like all humans, professionals can make mistakes, but it becomes appalling when you learn that many unnecessary surgeries conducted by medical professionals have been instigated by an ulterior motive, just like a greedy repair man would suggest an unnecessary job to make extra money.

You may select the best surgeon the money can buy, but if you do not have the correct diagnosis, which includes an accurate pathology report, you may end up with impotence and a leaky faucet after the surgery. We will discuss all types of treatments that are available in both the United States and abroad.